Design Your Dorm Your Way: Tips and Tricks
I'm currently a senior in college, and trust me, I have a lot of experience decorating dorm rooms. It's not easy! There are rules that you have to follow, things you'll want to avoid, and so much more that goes into making a space completely your own.
Here are my tips and tricks on how to do just that:
Photo Wall
Relatively Cheap
Pharmacy’s and places like Walmart usually can print pictures
Fills the space and isn’t against most college campus dorm rules
Plants, plants, and more plants
Talk about the best: Monstera, Aloe, succulents, etc
Less light and water best, most dorms don’t have a huge amount of natural light
Freshen and filter the air
Be careful, could be against the rules
Battery powered lights
LED strip lights v. LED color changing bulbs
Standing light
Desk lamp
Closet lamp
Reading light next to bed
No dorm has a huge amount of storage space
Easy to put up self standing shelves
Raise bed, allows for more things to hide and fit underneath bed
Coffee nook, coffee is expensive and as students, we run on caffeine
Opens up space
Want to look good
Comfy and trendy bedding
Cozy in bed, your space, functional and stylish
Allows ample seating for friends
Separates bedroom/living room
Tray, to have on bed, for things like drinks and snacks, so they don't spill everywhere
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